岡垣町では、平成6年から住民の国際理解向上を目的に国際交流員(CIR)を採用しています。 国際交流員は、母国の言語や文化、料理や習慣などを伝えるため、教室やイベント、広報への記事掲載など、さまざまな活動を行っています。 皆さん、国際交流員を見かけたら、気軽に声を掛けてください。
- 名前: Daniel Mitchell(ダニエル ミッチェル)
- 出身地: オーストラリア ブリスベン
岡垣町の皆さん、はじめまして。 国際交流員として7月末から岡垣町役場に勤務することになりましたダニエル・ミッチェルです。
Hi, I'm Daniel from Australia.
Hello citizens of Okagaki, nice to meet you! My name is Daniel Mitchell and from late July I have begun my role as your Coordinator of International Relations.
You can just call me Daniel for short!
Before coming to Okagaki, I lived in Brisbane, Australia. Brisbane city is located in the Eastern side of the country, not too far from the Gold Coast. Brisbane is a multicultural city, home to people from all round the world with 1 in 3 citizens having been born abroad. Brisbane enjoys a rich variety of international foods, music and art through the constant cultural exchange facilitated by those that have come to live there from abroad. One of the reasons I love Brisbane is because it is a place where I can easily take part in cultural exchange.
I studied science at The University of Queensland. After that, I worked in medical research for a number of years. At both university and at work, I met many people from around the world and this was the genesis for my interest in language and culture. Owing to these interests I started to learn Japanese. I decided to learn the language by myself but I made sure to make opportunities to talk and exchange culture with Japanese people.
In 2011 I worked as an ALT (Assistant Language Teacher) at Kamori Elementary and Kamori Junior High, schools located in Tsushima City, Aichi Prefecture. I did things like teach English, run cultural events, learn about Tsushima and enjoy the local delicacies of Aichi. I found it to be a great experience and because I wanted to do something like this again, I went ahead and applied to be a Coordinator of International Relations.
I have lived in both rural and metropolitan areas, having most recently lived in the city, so I was hoping that when I came to Japan I would be posted in the countryside once again so I was elated when I found out I was coming to Okagaki. There’s still a lot that I don’t understand about living here, but rather than letting that worry me, I see it as a great chance to learn from the community. My role as Coordinator of International Relations does not only involve me teaching you about my country and culture, it is in turn learning from all of you about Japan and Okagaki and communicating what I have learnt to the rest of the world. I would be happy if you could all tell me about great travel spots, fun experiences, tasty food and other great things about your area. From here on out I’ll work my hardest in planning for enjoyable cultural exchange events and fun English conversation classes. Let’s be great friends!